
We balance technology with screen-free time


Green Shoots aims to balance the development of critical technology competencies for the 21st century with screen-free time for children whose lives are lived in an area of natural beauty that facilitates free play and experimentation.

  • Safe online practices: All students who access the internet engage in age-appropriate digital citizenship lessons and learn how to be responsible and safe online learners
  • Using technology in the classroom: Students apply their digital citizenship skills when using electronic devices for learning. In primary, students use the IT room and school iPads to access our reading library and child-friendly maths and research sources. Secondary students bring their own device for learning and have access to e-textbooks. Students organise their learning and communicate through their school Google classroom account
  • Learning remotely: In preparation for their adult lives, in which we can expect our children to operate more and more in the virtual world, Green Shoots upper secondary students all study at least one online distance learning course in addition to their taught classes