The Power of Parental Involvement: Unlocking Your Child's Potential

April 10, 2023

As parents, we all want our children to succeed and be happy, and one of the keys to achieving this is through collaboration with their school. Successful parent-school partnerships have proven to have a positive impact on students' academic, personal, and social development. At Green Shoots, we believe in the importance of creating a strong partnership between home and school to support your children's education. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of being involved in your child's education and provide some tips for you as parents of international school students.

Why Parental Involvement Matters: Advantages for Students

When you are involved in your children's education, they tend to perform better academically. Studies have shown that students whose parents are involved in their education have higher grades, test scores, and graduation rates. Additionally, these students tend to have better attendance, more positive attitudes toward school, and a greater likelihood of pursuing higher education.

Furthermore, parental involvement can have a positive impact on students' personal and social development. It can help them develop better social skills, self-esteem, and self-discipline. When you are involved, you can help reinforce positive behaviours, values, and attitudes at home, which can translate to the classroom and beyond.

Finally, parental involvement can help students feel more supported and connected to their school community. When you are involved, you can help create a positive and welcoming school environment that encourages learning and growth for all students.

The Benefits of Parental Involvement for Parents Themselves

Being involved in your children's education can also have benefits for you! When you are involved in your children's education, you can feel more connected to your child's school and community. You can also gain a better understanding of your child's learning needs and progress.

Parental involvement can help parents develop new skills and knowledge. You may learn new ways to support your child's learning at home, or you may become more familiar with school policies and programs. This helps you to feel more confident and empowered in your role as your child's first teacher.

Finally, parental involvement can help parents build stronger relationships with their children. When you are involved in your children's education, you have more opportunities to communicate, collaborate, and bond with your child. This can help strengthen the parent-child relationship and lead to a more positive and supportive family dynamic.

The School-Wide Benefits of Parental Involvement

Parental involvement in education can also have benefits for schools. When you are involved, you can help create a more positive and supportive school environment that encourages learning and growth for all students. This can lead to improved student behaviour, academic achievement, and overall school performance. 

According to Marc Rosenthal, "Children learn best when the significant adults in their lives -- parents, teachers, and other family and community members -- work together to encourage and support them." When parents, teachers, and other family and community members work together, they can create a supportive and cohesive learning environment for the child. By working together, significant adults can provide consistent and positive messages to the child, which can help to foster a sense of security and support and promote the child's overall well-being and academic success.

Parental involvement helps us attract and retain high-quality teachers. When schools have a strong partnership with parents, teachers tend to feel more supported and empowered in their role. This can lead to improved teacher morale, job satisfaction, and retention rates.

Parental Involvement at Home: Strategies to Support Your Child

There are many ways you can get involved in your children's education, starting with simple things you can do at home. For example:

Establish a routine: Set aside a specific time each day for your child to do home learning. This can help establish good habits and reinforce the importance of education.

Ask your child about their day: Establishing a habit of talking to your child about their school day is a great way to stay involved in their academic and social life. However, the question "what did you do at school today" can often result in a one-word answer, or even a shrug. To get a more informative response, you can try asking more specific questions such as "What was the most interesting thing you learned today?", "Did anything funny or surprising happen today?", or "Who did you sit with at lunch today?". Another option is to ask open-ended questions such as "Tell me about something that made you happy today" or "Is there anything that you wish had gone differently today?". These types of questions can help start a conversation and give parents a better understanding of their child's school experience. It's also important for parents to listen actively and show interest in their child's responses, which can encourage them to share more.

Read with your child: Reading with your child can help improve their literacy skills and foster a love of learning. Try to make reading a regular part of your daily routine.

Communicate with teachers: Stay in touch with your child's teachers and ask for regular updates on their progress. This can help you identify areas where your child may need extra support.

Ways to Get Involved at School: Making a Difference for Your Child

Parents can also get involved in their child's education by participating in school activities and events. Here are some ways to get involved at school:

Attend parent-teacher conferences: This is a great opportunity to meet with your child's teachers and discuss their progress. Make sure to ask questions and provide feedback.

Join the parent network: Parent Networks can be a great way to get involved in your child's school community. You can participate in events organised and contribute to their success

Attend events at your child's school: This is a great way to show support for your child's education and become more involved in the school community. Whether it's a school performance, a house event, or a class presentation, attending these events sends a message to your child that their education matters to you. 

Conclusion: Empowering Students Through Parental Involvement

Parental involvement in children's education is essential for their academic, personal, and social development. When parents are involved, students tend to perform better academically, have better personal and social outcomes, and feel more connected to their school community. Furthermore, parental involvement can have benefits for parents themselves, schools, and the wider community.

At Green Shoots, we encourage all parents to get involved in their children's education in whatever way they can. Whether it's through simple activities at home or by participating in school events and activities, every little bit counts. By working together, we can create a strong and supportive partnership between home and school that benefits all students and the whole school community.

Brooks, A. (2019) Experts discuss the importance of positive parental involvement in education, Rasmussen University. Available at:

Comer, J.P. (1997) The home-school team: An emphasis on parent involvement, Edutopia. George Lucas Educational Foundation. Available at:

News, W.L. (2020) Why is parent involvement important in a child's development?, whitelodge. Available at: 

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